Huwebes, Pebrero 26, 2015


             As of now, parents are having afraid of their children during the start of classes in June. Teachers are suffering from their students imagine. Students making defacement or vandalism of school properties and it has been the problem of the teachers. But does the teacher gave a good moral for them. Teachers always thinking of that they have no rights to annoy them because they are not the real Parents  at the first place. But the one good solution for this situation is to let the teachers give a moral support to avoid the students  to not tempted to do something wrong in the school.

        Also, a more string net measure can be applied to those who repeatedly disregard those school rules, so there are also school rules can be applied for those students who broke the rule like to be suspended. The students need to discipline it can be exhibited from refraining to talk during the class so that after the class they know that our school is not free to destroy.

          So as a students let us pride ourselves with the maturity of knowing what is right or wrong. Let us chastise those who do not follow the rules, let us cherish the importance of  the school by appreciating all the things that we have, and so let us respect our teachers because they have been our second mother in our second home, and the school is one of our statue and the learnings is our treasure so let us save, keep and respect our school and don't ever think of destroy our second home.